How To: Get A Clean Shave After A Beard

Apr 12. 2021 by Shaver Shop Team

Itching to get rid of your bushy beard? Ready for a smooth, close, head-turning shave? Before you retire the beard, consider these tips to go from bushman to clean shaven without irritation.

Trim back

No point trying to hack away at a face full of beard in one fell swoop – the blades won’t be able to get close enough. First, trim your beard to a short stubble with help from a beard trimmer or set of clippers. The Braun Series 9 is a fantastic option as the world’s most efficient shaver. Featuring state-of-the-art shaving elements for the flawless shave you’re looking to achieve, as well as a pop-up trimmer, making this a two-for-one deal.

Prep skin

Now you’re down to a handsome stubble, it’s important to prep the skin before finishing the job. Remember, the skin under your beard hasn’t seen the light of day for some time. It needs a little love. Exfoliate with the Anthony Facial Scrub and moisturise with Percy Nobleman Recovery Balm. If you can, give it a week before moving onto the next step and completely unveiling your smooth skin.

And stubble

It’s best to shave after a shower, when the steam has had the chance to soften both your beard and pores. Next, lather your face to kick the stubble softening up a gear. The Face Guard range of products is a Shaver Shop favourite when it comes to protecting the skin and supporting an ultra-close shave. As well as the original formula, there is a solution for different skin types whether you have sensitive or dry skin and even a special recipe for tough-as-nails-beards.

The Face Guard range are an alternative to old-style shaving creams, expensive moisturisers and after-shave balms, helping make light work of bushy beards. Packed with ingredients such as eucalyptus, peppermint, cedarwood, argan oil and aloe vera, the range will keep stubble soft until the very last whisker.

Easy does it

Stubble, its go time. Gently stretch your skin taught with your free hand before carefully shaving in the direction of the hair growth. You might know this as going ‘with the grain’ and it is an important strategy when it has been a long time between shaves. Don’t fret. The Braun Series 9 will help carry the load. The electric shaver intelligently responds to unique contours and beard density, and features no less than 40,000 cutting actions to get as close as 0.05mm.

Keep calm and carry on

Once you’re content with the hair-free status of your freshly bald face, rinse and gently pat dry. Avoid wiping your face dry as this will cause irritation. Your newly exposed skin will often be drier than the rest of your face. It has, after all, been in hiding for a while. Be generous with a soothing post-shave solution like the Face Guard 3-in-1 Shave Cream, being careful to avoid anything highly perfumed or alcohol based. Now, the only thing left to do is look sharp.

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